AMD Completes Transition to TSMC With 7nm, Goodbye GlobalFoundries
If you’re a fan of AMD and don’t know what to make of this news, you should be ecstatic! TSMC has been the sole manufacturer of all NVidia GPUs, the highest performing on the market. Now it seems AMD is free to use them exclusively, escaping their obligations to GlobalFoundries.
AMD IPC Finally Caught Up After Six Slow Years
We know this story. Intel got in it’s tick-tock groove with alternating process/architecture generations of CPUs. AMD managed to get stuck in a low performance rut.
Current Intel CPUs Finally Double Speed of Nehalem
When I built my current PC, an Intel Core i7-920 Nehalem based system, it was a significant upgrade from the AMD Athlon XP based system I had before. On a single threaded workload, it was almost three times faster. With a multi-threaded workload it was 13 times faster.